BRESSER Solar filter 83.2mm for carbon-look telescopes

Lens solar filter, suitable for the BRESSER telescopes 4512001 Sirius, 4511759 Stellar and 4511609 Arcturus

  • Objective lens solar filter for safe solar observation
  • Shows a pleasant solar image in yellow/orange
  • For tube inner diameters of approx. 83.2mm
  • Suitable for the BRESSER Carbon Look telescopes
  • 4512001 Sirius, 4511759 Stellar and 4511609 Arcturus
  • Solar observation in the white light spectrum
  • Sunspots, eclipses and planetary transits


Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 4901300
EAN: 4007922076461
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861
Weight: 0.04 kg

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners— but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Product information "BRESSER Solar filter 83.2mm for carbon-look telescopes"

​Original BRESSER objective lens solar filter for safe solar observation in the white light spectrum.

Shows a pleasant solar image in yellow/orange and allows the observation of sunspots, eclipses and planetary transits. The solar filter can easily be inserted into the telescope opening. Suitable for tube inner diameters of approx. 83.2mm. Suitable for the BRESSER Carbon Look telescopes 4512001 Sirius, 4511759 Stellar and 4511609 Arcturus as a spare part or as an extension of the existing accessories.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Never observe the sun without a suitable protective filter!



  • Lens solar filter (1 Piece)
Colour: yellow
Material: Plastic


BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ Refractor Telescope with Smartphone Camera Adapter
Set off on your personal journey to the stars with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ lens telescope. The complete astronomy set already includes everything you need to start observing the sky: the astronomical lens telescope with 70 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length, the azimuthal mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for fascinating discoveries. At the same time, it is very easy to operate - ideal to amaze even children with a view of the night sky. Simply a stargazing classic - the telescope With this lens telescope - a so-called Fraunhofer achromatic refractor - even total astro-beginners and children can easily explore the secrets of our night sky. Because this classic design impresses with its special user-friendliness and easy handling. To ensure that you enjoy good imaging properties when looking at the Moon, Sun, planets and star clusters, the entry-level telescope has been equipped with modern, precisely coated optics. The 70 mm aperture collects a total of 100 times more light than the human eye. And it is also convincing compared to a comparable 60 mm telescope: the light gathering capacity is 36 % higher and the resolving power is also better. Thus, with the 70 mm lens telescope, significantly more details are visible at the same magnification, e.g. on Saturn's rings or the two main cloud bands of Jupiter. But how big do the celestial objects appear then? The resolution of the 70 mm lens lets you enjoy really sharp images at magnifications up to about 140x. For comparison: with a 60 mm aperture, this is only possible up to 120x. Technically, of course, the starter telescope can do even more - theoretically up to 675x with the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the image can slowly become more and more blurred. And how big you can really see the planets, star clusters and co. depends not only on the telescope. Another important factor: the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). A sharp image with good contrast - this is what the starter telescope achieves with its large focal ratio of about 1 to 12.9 (F/12.9), which is calculated from the ratio of the 70 mm aperture to the 900 mm focal length. And you will see: Due to the long focal length, especially the Sun, Moon, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters become absolute eye-catchers. Solid base for your stargazing hours - mount and tripod Found the ideal location for your nocturnal explorations? Then attach the telescope tube to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. And this azimuthal mount is particularly compelling due to one quality: operation is really child's play. Simply swing the telescope by hand to the left or right, up or down, as with a common photo tripod. This way you can quickly move your gaze from one celestial highlight to the next. And where are the accessories? Simply place them on the storage plate between the tripod legs. This way, eyepieces, solar filter and co. stay always within reach. All the trimmings - the accessories The beginner’s telescope comes with everything you need for a quick start in stargazing. When searching for celestial bodies worth seeing, take your first look through the included LED viewfinder. Because the direction finder helps you to align the telescope precisely and find astronomical objects. It works like this: The LED finder is mounted in parallel on the telescope tube. It projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen that appears to float in front of the sky when you look through it. And that is exactly where the aperture of your telescope points. This way, you can always keep an overview of the night sky - before focusing your attention on the details through the magnification of the telescope. And you decide how high this magnification is by choosing the eyepiece. You will be amazed: the two eyepieces included in the set (4 mm, 20 mm) allow you to admire completely different images of the same object. If you one day want a change of perspective, you can expand your astronomy set with a large selection of eyepieces. For this purpose, the socket diameter is 1.25 inches (31.7 mm), which corresponds to an international, manufacturer-independent standard. You like what you see, but would love more detail? Then simply insert the 3x Barlow lens between the telescope and the eyepiece. And you have tripled the magnification of the eyepiece! Observation comfort and a pleasant view - this is what the 90-degree star diagonal mirror is made for. Even if your starter telescope is pointed vertically into the sky, you don't need to lie down underneath it to see anything. Instead, simply look in comfortably from the side and enjoy the view. But it's not only at night that we should look skywards. For only during the day you can see a very special star: our Sun. So put the solar filter in front of the lens and safely look at sunspots and granulation on the Sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Would you like to share your discoveries with friends and family? Then take your first steps in astrophotography right away - and those are done in no time with the smartphone camera adapter for your beginner's telescope. The Moon, Sun, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters always make a good picture. Discover what our night sky has to offer with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ refracting telescope. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 70 mm aperture; 900 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, also very suitable for children Focal ratio F/12.9, therefore very sharp image and high contrast Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch socket) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) Star diagonal mirror LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software via download Instruction manual

Geschenkgutschein über 50€
BRESSER Geschenkgutschein über 50€ Jedes Jahr kommen Geburtstage, Jahrestage, Weihnachten und Co. unaufhaltsam auf uns zu. Und mit ihnen immer wieder die gleiche Frage: Wie können wir unseren Lieben zu diesen ganz besonderen Gelegenheiten eine Freude machen? Schicken Sie mit einem BRESSER-Gutschein Männer, Frauen und Kinder auf ganz individuelle Entdeckungsreisen. Schenken mit Weitsicht – der BRESSER Gutschein über 50 Euro Ein Geschenk bereitet beiden Seiten nur Freude, wenn es zum beschenkten Menschen passt. So erkennen Sie, dass ein Geschenkgutschein von BRESSER garantiert mit einem freudigen Lächeln belohnt wird: Treffen mehrere oder eine der folgenden Aussagen zu? Der oder die Beschenkte … … richtet bei jeder sternenklaren Nacht den Blick durch das Teleskop in den Himmel. … nimmt im Urlaub immer erst mal eine Bodenprobe, die dann noch im Hotel unter dem Mikroskop genau durchleuchtet wird. … liebt es, beim Wandern, Campen oder Jagen mit offenen Augen durch die Natur zu gehen. … betreibt mit Leidenschaft ein eigenes Fotostudio. … verpasst niemals die Wettervorhersage. … zeigt Begeisterung für innovative Technik und neue Gadgets. … ist für alles offen und stets bestrebt, den eigenen Horizont zu erweitern. Treffer? Dann haben Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein das passende Geschenk gefunden. Denn egal ob absoluter Anfänger oder leidenschaftlicher Profi: Die vielfältigen Produkte aus den Bereichen Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Sport-Optiken, Fotostudio, Wetter & Zeit und Electronics ermöglichen Ihren Lieben wundervolle Einblicke in faszinierende Welten. Und das gilt nicht nur für die großen Entdecker: Überraschen Sie mit einem BRESSER Gutschein Kinder, die sich mit unserem altersgerechten Angebot spielerisch an die Wissenschaft annähern. So geht’s zum 50-Euro-Gutschein von BRESSERSie möchten einem lieben Menschen neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nichts leichter als das: Wählen Sie eins der schönen Gutscheinmotive aus. Astronomie, Mikroskopie, Electronics etc. – für jedes Interessengebiet ist ein toller Look dabei. Wichtig: Egal welches Motiv Sie wählen, jeder Geschenkgutschein ist natürlich im ganzen Shop auf einlösbar. Tragen Sie Ihren und den Namen des/der Beschenkten ein. Anschließend können Sie eine Nachricht in bis zu 300 Zeichen verfassen, die Ihren Gutschein zu einem ganz persönlichen Geschenk macht. Jetzt nur noch in den Warenkorb legen und bezahlen. Ist der Bestellvorgang abgeschlossen, kommt der Geschenkgutschein als PDF direkt in Ihr E-Mail-Postfach. Von dort können Sie ihn als digitalen Gruß aus der Ferne weiterschicken. Oder Sie drucken ihn aus und übergeben ihn persönlich. Verschenken Sie einen Blick über den Tellerrand – mit dem BRESSER 50-Euro Gutschein für Frauen, Männer und Kinder. 

BRESSER Stellar 60/800 AZ - Refractor Telescope with Smartphone Camera Adapter & Solar Filter
Simply set up and explore the Moon, Venus and co. straight away: With the BRESSER Stellar 60/800 AZ lens telescope, getting started in sky observation is quick and easy. The complete set already contains the necessary equipment for your new hobby: the astronomical lens telescope with 60 mm aperture and 800 mm focal length, the azimuthal mount, the tripod and extensive accessories for your voyage of discovery through the solar system. The beginner's telescope is very easy to use and therefore ideal for getting children excited about astronomy. Well-tried classic for completely new impressions - the telescope Especially for beginners and children, this classic lens telescope - also known as an achromatic refractor of the Fraunhofer type - makes it easy to enjoy astronomical sights. The modern, precisely coated optics ensure good imaging properties. Another strength of the optics: the 60 mm aperture and the 800 mm focal length result in a very large focal ratio (ratio of the aperture to the focal length) of about 1 to 13.3 (F/13.3). The result: a very sharp image with good contrast. The long focal length also makes the telescope a specialist for lunar, solar and planetary observation. However, open star clusters and globular clusters are also guaranteed to amaze you when you look through the telescope. And how big do the celestial objects appear? With the aperture size, the starter telescope achieves a resolving power which lets you enjoy really sharp images at up to 120x magnification. Technically, this entry-level telescope is capable of more - theoretically up to 600x with the included accessories. But: with increasing magnification, the image sharpness can slowly decrease. Of course, not only the telescope plays a role when it comes to magnification. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) also affects your view of the night sky. The foundation for your view into space - mount and tripod The telescope tube is held securely on the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. And this azimuthal mount has a great advantage: it is very easy to operate. Just like a common photo tripod, you simply swing the telescope manually to the left and right, up and down. Perfect for beginners in astronomy and children. But where to put the accessories? To keep them within easy reach, just place eyepieces, solar filter etc. on the storage plate between the tripod legs. All you need for a quick start in astronomy - the accessories For your fascinating view of the night sky, the telescope for beginners comes with lots of accessories. Among them you will find a LED-viewfinder, with which you can easily keep track of the sky. It is mounted parallel to the actual telescope and projects a red dot onto a small screen. When you look through the viewfinder, the red dot appears to float in front of the sky - right where your starter telescope aperture is pointing. This way, the finder helps you to align your optics precisely and locate celestial objects - before you then take a closer look through the magnification of the telescope. You determine how much magnification you get by choosing the eyepiece. You will see: The two eyepieces (4 mm, 20 mm) included in the set alone offer quite different perspectives on the beauties of our cosmos. For the most versatile views possible, the socket diameter of 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) also complies with an international, manufacturer-independent standard. So if you want to expand your astronomy set later, you will have a wide choice of models. You have found an astronomical highlight and want to see even more details? Then place the 3x Barlow-lens between the telescope and the eyepiece. It will triple the magnification. Meanwhile the included 90-degree star diagonal mirror lets you comfortably admire the night sky. Even though your entry-level telescope is pointed upwards, you don't have to lie down underneath to enjoy the view. Instead, you look in comfortably from the side. But it is not only at night that we can observe the beauty of outer space. During the day, our own Sun is the undisputed star in the sky. So attach the solar filter to the aperture of your beginner’s telescope and safely observe sunspots and granulation. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! To capture and share your unforgettable moments in astronomy, take your very own snapshots with the smartphone adapter. Thus the very first step towards astrophotography is easily taken! Look forward to your complete astronomical starter package and a whole new view of the Sun, Moon and planets - with the BRESSER Stellar 60/800 AZ lens telescope. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 60 mm aperture and 800 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon and planets  Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, therefore suitable for children Focal ratio F/13.3, therefore very sharp image and high contrast Two eyepieces and one Barlow-lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow-lens 3x (1.25 inch sleeve) Star diagonal mirror LED red dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software via download Instruction manual

BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ - Refractor Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Set up and start being amazed right away: the BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope takes you one step closer to the fascinating world of planets and star clusters. The complete astronomy set includes everything you need for your immediate start in celestial observation: an astronomical lens telescope with 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod and many accessories. The system is very easy to use – perfect for introducing children to the exciting hobby of astronomy. Simply an astronomical classic – the telescope A well-tried principle: this classic lens telescope – also called an achromatic refractor of the Fraunhofer type – shows beginners and children the beauties of the night sky. The starter telescope offers good imaging properties thanks to its modern, precisely coated optics. The large focal ratio of about 1 to 11.7 (F/11.7), which results from the ratio of the 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, delivers sharp images with good contrast. Ideal for exploring our Moon, the planets, but also open star clusters and globular clusters with your own eyes. But how big do these celestial objects appear? With its resolving power determined by the aperture size, the telescope easily delivers really sharp images up to about 120x magnification. Technically, even more is possible using this beginner’s telescope – theoretically up to 525x with the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the image usually becomes more and more blurred. In addition, the telescope is not the only factor determining the possible magnification. The air turbulence in the atmosphere is always an important criterion as well (seeing conditions). Your foundation for moving observations – mount and tripod Once you have found the right location for your astronomical adventures, attach your telescope to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. The easy handling of this azimuthal mount allows you to move effortlessly from one astronomical sight to the next. Simply swing the starter telescope manually to the left and right, up and down – just like a normal photo tripod. In order to keep eyepieces, solar filters etc. within reach at all times, just place your accessories on the practical storage plate between the tripod legs. Everything for your astro quickstart – the accessories In order to enable you to see as much as possible, the beginner’s telescope comes with an extensive range of accessories. With the LED viewfinder, for example, you can keep track of the sky. It’s a direction finder that you mount parallel to the actual telescope. It projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. When you look through it, the red dot appears to be floating in front of the sky, exactly where the optics of your telescope are pointing. This makes it easier to find celestial objects and to align the telescope accurately – just before you look more closely with the higher magnification. And how high that is, you determine by choosing the appropriate eyepiece. Two are already included in the set: 4 mm and 20 mm. Moreover, you can triple the magnification of the eyepieces with the 3x Barlow-lens. If at some point you want to extend your field of view with additional eyepieces, this poses no problem at all. The socket diameter of 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) corresponds to an international and manufacturer-independent standard. This offers you a wide choice of optional eyepieces you can use with your telescope. For you to direct your gaze comfortably to star clusters and planets, the 90-degree diagonal mirror allows you to easily look into the starter telescope. This way you don't have to lie down under the entry-level telescope when the optics are pointing at the sky. Instead, you just look in from the side. However, not only the night holds numerous interesting sights for us. During the day, especially our nearest star is worth a look. So take the solar-filter and direct your gaze safely at sunspots and granulation on the Sun. WARNING: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! If you want to capture and share your discoveries, just take photos of the Moon, Sun and more using the included smartphone adapter. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, therefore suitable for children Focal ratio F=11.7, thus sharp image and high contrast Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar-filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone-camera-adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow-lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) Star diagonal mirror LED red dot finder Solar-filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software for download Instruction manual


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BRESSER Solar filter 112mm for Venus 76/700
Original BRESSER objective lens solar filter for safe solar observation in the white light spectrum. Shows a pleasant solar image in yellow/orange and allows the observation of sunspots, eclipses and planetary transits. The solar filter can easily be inserted into the telescope opening. Suitable for tube inner diameters of approx. 83.2mm. Suitable for the BRESSER Carbon Look telescopes 4512509 Taurus, 4512909 Taurus, 4780909 Quasar as a spare part or as an extension of the existing accessories. IMPORTANT NOTE: Never observe the sun without a suitable protective filter! SCOPE OF DELIVERYLens solar filter (1 Piece)

BRESSER Messier 8'' Dobsonian
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The BRESSER Messier 8'' dobsonian is simply a breakthrough. Despite of its low price this telesccope offers a versatility and quality rivaling a lot more expensive telecopes. The optical diameter of 203mm (8'') does not restrict your observations on solar system objects like the moon or the planets - you can reach farther into the sky and explore globular and open clusters, nebulae and galaxies. With that telescope those objects are beginning to show structures: globular clusters are no longer only fuzzy blobs, but are resolved into masses of individual stars. Nebulae, that can only be barely detected in smaller scopes, reveal structures within. The telescope is setting a new standard in versatility: the excellent Hexafoc focuser boosts a free diameter of 65mm (2,5'') so that you do not have vignetting in big widefield eyepieces that is caused by smaller focuser barrels. The big altitude wheels handle those big, heavy eyepieces without problems - and when you intend to load even more (like a binocular viewer with two eyepieces) then you can move the tube in its tube rings and achieve balance within seconds. The excellent rigidity of the focuser makes focusing a snap - even for astrophotography. This is another virtue of this highly versatile telescope system: you can remove the altitude wheels from the tube rings, attach a dovetail and use the optical tube on a equatorial mount for astrophotography - in minutes. The focuser is handling even heavy cameras tilt and shifting-free. You are extremely demanding in your image sharpness? No problem - with the optional 10:1 gear reduction sharp images are easy. If you consider, that the focuser is that part of the telescope that is used most often, you will recognize the quantum leap this Hexafoc represents in a telescope of this price range. With the included standard accessories (6x30 finder and 25mm SPL-eyepiece) the telescope is ready for observing. If you need to transport or store the telescope as compact as possible you will like this: the rocker box of the 8'' BRESSER Messier assembles and disassembles extremely easy and fast due to the use of metal standard furniture fasteners. So you can transform the bulky rocker box into a handy flat package of boards. This telescope is setting a new standard in usability, versatility and performance in its price class.Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. FEATURES Optical design: reflector telescopeMirror diameter: 203 mm / focal length: 1218 mm / F/6Maximum recommended magnification: 406x telescope for night and solar observation high quality BRESSER Newton optics parabolic primary mirror primary mirror diameter: 203 mm focal length: 1218 mm 2,5'' HEXAFOC focus primary mirror out of special-purpose glass with little thermal expansion shifting-free focusing, even with heavy accessories easy to move the tube dismountable rocker box optics can be attached to other mountings differently sized adjusting- and lock-screws SCOPE OF DELIVERY newtonian reflector aperture solar-filter 6x30 viewfinder 25mm SuperPloessl eyepiece (Ø 31,7 mm / 1,25'') 1 extension shell 37,5mm for 2.5'' Hexafoc 1 eyepiece adapter Ø 31,7 to 50,8 mm 2 tube clamps 2 altitude wheels 1 rockerbox with 2 ground boards and assembly material Dimension of shipping box No.1: 125x38x41cm - 15.0kg Dimension of shipping box No.2: 54x54x22cm - 13.5kg

BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD eyepiece camera
Save pictures and videos from your microscope or telescope directly in Full HD resolution on your PC. The BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD is an eyepiece camera that can be used directly instead of the eyepiece of your telescope or microscope. Adapters for various devices (all common eyepiece dimensions from different manufacturers) and multilingual recording software for Windows are already included in the scope of delivery. With this camera you can document your microscope or telescope observation or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school, study and work. The camera can take pictures of the moon and the bright planets on the telescope. In microscopy, the camera is mainly used for shooting in brightfield and incident light. FEATURESmetal housing, mini USB socketresolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel, Full HDPixel size: 3x3 µm, sensor size: 5.86 x 3.28 mm23,2mm barrel, integrated UV/IR blocking filter30mm; 30,5mm adapter for various microscopes and telescopes included31,7mm (1,25") adapter for telescopes includes with thread for 1,25" filtersmultilingual recording software for Windowsimage format jpg, bmp, tif, pngvideo format avi SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUinternet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERYcamera module incl. dust capUSB-cableCamLabLite-Software as a download link, language versions German, English, French, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Indonesian, ChineseUsers Guide included in the software (German, English)Adapters 30mm, 30,5mm, 31,7mm (1,25”)

BRESSER Solar Filter M100x1 for Messier MC-90
BRESSER Solar Filter 294.6mm for Messier 10" DOBCategory: Spare Part for Messier Telescope SeriesDescription: The high-quality Solar Filter with a diameter of 294.6mm is suitable for Messier Art. 4716425 10" DOB. It enables safe observations of the solar surface, offers outstanding contrast, and is easy to mount. Suitable for the BRESSER Messier Telescope series. Please check compatibility using the product number on your optical instrument.

BRESSER Slider Binocular Mount with Tripod
The BRESSER Slider Binocular Mount, with its revolutionary design, offers unprecedented comfort for binocular observation - during the day and at night Thanks to the variable extension length of the two support rails (crossbars), the cardanic mount head and various adjustable slip couplings almost all binocular positions can be selected easily. Afterwards, the binoculars remain in their respective position thanks to the counterweights. During observation, it is usually not necessary to touch the binoculars. Whether you want to observe standing up, sitting on a swivel chair or lying down on a mat or bed, everything is possible. For wheelchair users the mount is also an interesting alternative to normal tripod solutions, where usually one tripod leg is always in the way. A steady image despite large binoculars and high magnification Especially when observing for a long time, even medium-weight binoculars weighing 500 grams or more and moderate magnifications of 10x or more make life difficult. Already after a short while the pictures blur and the arms get tired. Certainly, a high photo tripod can bring a significant improvement. But this solution is very limited in terms of the binoculars’ movability and the position of the observer. The BRESSER Slider Binocular Mount offers far more possibilities. Almost all desired binocular positions can be reached effortlessly. The patented design, with 2 counter-moving support rails (crossbars), is guided on special linear roller bearings inside the mount head with zero play. This allows the observer to vary the extension length as desired with little muscle power. The sliding resistance can be infinitely adjusted using 2 adjusting screws. In the middle of the slider mount’s centre of gravity, there is an axle with adjustable slipping clutch for the tilting and rotating movement. All bearings operate with absolute precision and backlash-free. For quick levelling, there is even a 30 mm fluorescent circular bubble in the base of the mount, which is easy to read even in the dark. Cardanic mount head The cardanic mount head works like a ball head. However, it offers a significantly higher load-capacity and more stability. Here, too, the sliding resistance of all moving parts can be adjusted to the user’s specific needs. The mount head offers several mounting holes for mounting a binocular holder via 1/4-inch photo screw or a standard GP prism clamp for mounting small telescopes. In addition, there are various holes on the side cheeks of the mount head for further accessories such as red light reading lamps, smartphone holders for the use of sky apps or LED viewfinders for quick sighting of celestial objects. Counterweights Several counterweights enable the exact balancing of the binoculars or telescope. Two counterweights of each 2.5 kg, 1.25 kg and 0.5 kg are included in the package and can be attached to the rear end of the mount on the mounting bolts on both sides. With the 2 included spring clamps the weights are secured on the bolts. Instead of the counterweights, a filled sandbag can also be attached to the existing mounting hook. This reduces the transport weight for planned excursions. Suitable for use with binoculars of up to 3.5 kg weightThe BRESSER Slider Mount can be used with binoculars of up to 3.5 kg weight. But it is also a real help for obtaining blur-free images with much smaller binoculars during long-term observations. It is mounted with an optionally available binocular tripod adapter, which is attached to the mount head with a 1/4-inch photo thread screw. Also highly recommended for compact refractor telescopesInstall an optionally available standard GP prism adapter on the mount head and use your travel telescope in a completely different way: as a high-quality spotting scope for landscape and sky observation. Tripod adapter The matching tripod adapter for using the BRESSER stainless steel Tripod ST-3 is already included in the slider mount’s scope of delivery. It converts the standard large 3/8-inch photo tripod thread (internal thread) in the base of the slider mount into a metric M10 thread. This means that after removing the adapter, a stable standard photo or video tripod with 3/8-inch mounting screw can also be used.  The BRESSER Field Tripod ST-3 made of stainless steel The solid and height-adjustable tripod with double tripod leg clamp is made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel and perfect for direct use with the BRESSER Slider Binocular Mount. Adjust the extendable stainless steel tripod to the desired base height and thereby pre-select your favourite observation position. For example, for landscape observation while standing or sitting, the full tripod height should be used. For night sky observation, a lower setting is recommended for a comfortable viewing position while sitting or lying down. The tripod is equipped with a standard GP mounting head and a central screw with metric M10 threaded shaft.  GETTING STARTED VIDEO: Slider Binocular Mount with stainless steel tripod Enables comfortable and fatigue-free binocular observation Use for landscape and sky observation Shake-free and steady images at day and night Almost infinitely rotatable and swivelling cardanic mount head Supports binoculars and telescopes of up to 3.5 kg weight Various observer positions are possible: standing, sitting and lying down Also a practical alternative to a photo tripod for wheelchair users Adjustable viewing height from approx. 30 cm to 170 cmDimensions when fully assembled: 125 x 35 x 180 cmTotal weight incl. accessories: 20 kgWeight of mount head: 6 kg; weight of tripod: 5.5 kgLarge 30 mm fluorescent circular bubble in the mounting base Mounting holes for further optional accessories available Several balance weights include: 2x 2.5 kg, 2x 1.25 kg, 2x 0.5 kg Adjustable friction clutches on all movable axes All surfaces high quality painted, powder coated or anodised Precise small series production - manufactured in the EU (Hungary)SCOPE OF DELIVERYSlider mount (binoculars not included)Stainless steel tripod Tripod adapter 3/8 inch to M10 thread Balance weight 2.5 kg (2 pieces) Balance weight 1.25 kg (2 pieces) Balance weight 0.5 kg (2 pieces) Locking device for counterweights (2 pieces)

BRESSER Accessory Tray Tripod ST-2 for EXOS-II
BRESSER Accessory Tray Tripod ST-2 for EXOS-II Category: Spare Part suitable for Telescope Mounts & Controls Description: The practical accessory tray for the ST-2 Tripod of the EXOS-II Mount provides space for accessories such as eyepieces or filters. Easy mounting and secure attachment are only possible with the central spindle (Art. 4901660). Compatible with the BRESSER EXOS-II Mount.
