EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Ultra Light 20'' Dobson 500mm f/3.6 GENERATION II

Ultra Light Dobson 500mm f/3.6

  • Truss-Dobson in full Aluminium construction
  • Handcrafted in HUNGARY and GERMANY
  • Quarz primary and secondary w. optical certificate
  • Eyepiece height while pointing at zenith is 1,63 m
  • Full welded rigid telescope structure - no rivets
  • Collimation while observing with the delivered tooling
  • Compacts dims for easy transportation
  • DeLuxe 2,5" HEXAFOC focuser with 1:10 gear-reduction
  • Large powder-coated yellow altitude wheels for smooth tracking
  • 2 universal finder slots to enable an easy finder position


Currently not available

Product number: 0116950
EAN: 4007922003016
WEEE-Reg.-Nr.: DE 34323861
Weight: 65 kg

Testbericht zu EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Ultra Light 20'' Dobson

von Christian Overhaus: Ein PRAXISTEST von Christian Overhaus aus Borken Westf. (Mitglied der Sternfreunde Borken e.V)

Da gab es nicht viel zu Überlegen. Das Angebot von der Firma EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC, den großen 20“ Dobson für einige Nächte zu nutzen, war zu verführerisch. Und so wurde Ende Juli 2019 das Ausstellungsgerät aus den Hallen der Fa. BRESSER/EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC in das Auto verladen und ins benachbarte Borken transportiert. Verladen ist dabei der richtige Ausdruck. Das Teleskop ist wahrlich kein handliches Gerät mehr. Das Gesamtgewicht von 53 kg, wobei das schwerste Teil die Spiegelbox mit guten 35 kg darstellt, macht das Teleskop für den alleinigen Aufbau grenzwertig. Es ist eben kein Gerät, dass man mal schnell nach draußen stellt. Der Transport in einem Kleinwagen ist aber gut möglich. Die solide Gitterrohrkonstruktion in schwarz-gelb gehalten, sauste im Kofferraum meines Autos über die B67 in Richtung Heimat. In Erwartung einer klaren Nacht war ich neugierig auf das Bild, dass mir dieses Dobsongerät liefern würde. Bisher konnte ich „nur“ Teleskope bis 16 Zoll Öffnung nutzen. Ich selber besitze ein 10 Zoll Dobsonteleskop, das als Vergleichsgerät herhalten muss. Zugegeben, es ist ein ungleiches Duell - David gegen Goliath.

Zuhause angekommen lud ich die schwere Spiegelbox und das Unterteil der Rockerbox aus. Ich platzierte das Gerät auf den Aufbauplatz für die Nacht. Ein nachträglicher Standortwechsel war wegen des Gewichtes und der Größe nicht denkbar. Es ist ratsam, das Gerät zu zweit aufzubauen. Die Tubusstreben und den Hut mit der Fangspiegelhalterung mit dem Rest des Gerätes zu vereinen, ist allein nicht ganz einfach. Zwei Hände waren da nicht genug.

Ich suchte den anderen Weg und schraubte die Streben zunächst an den Hut, was überhaupt kein Problem darstellte. Dann ließ sich die ganze Konstruktion schön auf die Spiegelbox setzen und verschrauben. Fünf Minuten später stand die Konstruktion. Nun noch schnell den Blendschutz und das schwarze Tubustuch angebracht, fertig war das Teleskop. Es ist schon ein beeindruckendes Gerät. Der Hauptspiegel mit einem Durchmesser von 50 cm lässt den 10 Zöller daneben wie ein Spielzeug aussehen. Wenn ich daran denke, dass mein erster Blick in die Tiefen des Kosmos mit einem Teleskop geschah, dessen Spiegel gerade mal einen Durchmesser von 115 mm hatte!

Gespannt wartete ich auf die Nacht.

Nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit begann ich mit dem Justierlaser, die beiden Spiegel des Teleskops aufeinander auszurichten. Der Fangspiegel lässt sich an zwei Rändelschrauben sehr leicht bewegen, so dass der Laserpunkt in Sekundenschnelle die Mittelmarkierung des Hauptspiegels erreicht. Der Hauptspiegel kann mit drei Justageschrauben von der Oberseite eingestellt werden. Ein ca. 90 cm langes spezielles Justage-Werkzeug (langer Imbusschlüssel) ist dafür im Lieferumfang enthalten. Der gleichzeitige Blick durch das Teleskop während der Justage ist so also möglich. Die Justage an sich ist kein Problem und ging sehr schnell. Ich bin darin aber auch schon mäßig geübt.

Wenn man das Gerät einige Male aufgebaut hat, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass man es innerhalb einer viertel Stunde aus dem Kofferraum heraus zum Einsatz bringt. Eine zweite Person ist aber unabdingbar.

Die erste Nacht mit dem Teleskop am heimischen Himmel war ein großes Vergnügen. Am Rande einer Kleinstadt wohnend mit dem Ballungsraum Ruhrgebiet im Süden, ist der Himmel hier am Standort nicht überragend gut. SQM-Messungen erreichen im Zenit Himmelshelligkeiten von 20,8 bis 20,85 mag. So war es auch spät in der folgenden Nacht. Es war zunächst nicht ganz wolkenfrei und zu Beginn vielleicht auch etwas dunstig. Zumal war es Ende Juli erst spät dunkel. Das Gerät konnte seine volle Leistung nicht zeigen.

Der Jupiter war der erste, den ich mit dem Teleskop beäugen konnte. Zunächst im 7,5 mm Okular, später dann noch bei gleicher Vergrößerung in einem Binokularansatz (Bino). Trotz der tiefen Stellung des Planeten im Sternbild Skorpion und bei schlechtem Seeing, war der Anblick einfach toll. Der Dobson lieferte ein schönes helles Bild, die Wolkenstreifen zeigten schöne Strukturen und der Große Rote Fleck zeigte deutlich seine Farbe. Der kleine Zehnzöller zeigte im Prinzip das Gleiche, jedoch kleiner, wegen der geringeren Brennweite des Teleskops (1800 mm zu 1250 mm). Und das Bild war natürlich viel heller im 20 Zöller. Die lichtsammelnde Fläche ist ja viermal so groß. Der Ausspruch Dobsonauten, dass Öffnung nur durch mehr Öffnung zu ersetzen ist, bewahrheitete sich an dieser Stelle eindrucksvoll. Bis zur richtigen Dunkelheit, genoss ich den Blick auf den fernen Planeten, der an diesem Abend 690 Millionen Kilometer Sicherheitsabstand zu mir hielt. Mit dem Teleskop kam ich bis auf zweieinhalb Millionen Kilometer an ihn heran.

Das Beobachtungsvergnügen mit einem Dobson-Teleskop ist nicht ausschließlich von der Öffnung abhängig. Mindestens genauso wichtig sind die gute Nachführbarkeit und die Stabilität des Gerätes. Der 20“ Dobson, ein Highend-Gerät aus ungarischer/deutscher Herstellung, ist in dieser Hinsicht über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Der technische Anspruch ist wegen der Größe des Teleskops und der höheren Vergrößerung ungleich höher. Der kleine 10“ Dobson lagert auf Teflonpads, die über eine Ebony-Star-Fläche gleiten. Diese Kombination hat sich bei den Dobsonauten als ideal erwiesen. Leider ist das Ebony-Star–Material nur noch begrenzt verfügbar, weil der Hersteller die Produktion einstellte. EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC setzt stattdessen auf eine Art GFK-Riffelblech. In der Praxis ist es beim 20 Zöller etwas schwergängiger, dass man mehr Kraft aufwenden muss als beim kleineren Gerät. Jedoch ist es von der Steifigkeit und Stabilität in jeder Lage des Gerätes erstaunlich gut. Die Nachführung bei 260-facher Vergrößerung mit dem Bino-Ansatz war überhaupt kein Problem. Trotz der großen Masse, die dort bewegt werden musste, war die Nachführung feinfühlig hinzubekommen. Ich hatte dabei noch nicht einmal die angebrachten Gegengewichte zum Ausgleichen von Überlasten benutzen müssen.

Das Aufsuchen der Objekte gelingt übrigens mit einem Telrad oder Sucherfernglas. Beides war am 20 Zöller montiert. Hinweis: Der Telrad Sucher ist ein optional erhältliches Zubehörteil und nicht im regulären Lieferumfang enthalten. Ich bin geübter Telradsucher und kam damit recht gut zurecht. Die Suche ist im Zehnzöller etwas leichter, weil Gewicht und Gleitfähigkeit der Montierung weniger Kraftaufwand erfordern, aber auch der Große kann ganz gut ans Ziel geführt werden.

Der Mehraufwand gegenüber des 10 Zöllers wird mit einem deutlich helleren Bild belohnt. Eines der ersten Ziele an diesem Abend ist der Kugelsternhaufen Messier 13 im Herkules. Dieser ist im 10 Zöller schon eine Augenweide. Im 20 Zöller ist er atemberaubend. Das 7er Okular zeigt ihn formatfüllend, tausende Sterne, haarnadelfein. Auch hier kann der Bino-Ansatz das Beobachtungserlebnis nochmalig steigern. Zwei Augen sehen eben mehr. Und die schöne schwebende Sternenkugel in 25000 Lichtjahren Entfernung ist nun mal eines der schönsten Ansichten des Nordsternhimmels. Eines meiner Lieblingsreiseziele am Sommerhimmel ist der Cirrusnebel im Schwan. Zu später Stunde, als es ausreichend dunkel war, griff ich zum Übersichtsokular. Den nötigen Kontrast zum Himmelshintergrund erreichte ich durch einen UHC-Filter. Die schön strukturierten Nebelreste einer Supernovaexplosion kamen auch unter Kleinstadthimmel sehr gut zum Vorschein. Der Zehnzöller, der praktischerweise ein integriertes Filterrad mit UHC und OIII-Filter besitzt, machte auch keine schlechte Figur, muss man sagen. Die Sichtbarkeit derartiger Objekte ist durchaus genauso stark an die Himmelsqualität gebunden, wie an die verwendete Optik.

Ganz klar im Vorteil war der 20 Zöller beim Planetarischen Nebel Messier 76. So schön strukturiert sah ich das Nebelwölkchen noch nie zuvor. Auch die vielen kleinen Sterne drum herum beeindruckten. Im Vergleich zum ]10 Zöller ist es wohl so, als ob man die Sonnenbrille abnähme. Sehr schick, würde ich sagen.

An diesem Abend konnte ich noch den Saturn beobachten, der ebenfalls tief im Sternbild des Schützen zu sehen war. Der hinterlassene Eindruck entspricht der Beobachtung von Jupiter. Die Cassiniteilung im Saturnring war sehr deutlich zu sehen, auch der Schatten des Planeten auf das Ringsystem zeigte sich deutlich.

Ein weiteres Highlight, wie ich finde, war der Doppelsternhaufen Hi und Chi Persei im Sternbild Perseus. Im verwendeten 30mm-Okular passen beide Haufen soeben ins Gesichtsfeld. Die vielen Sterne sind schon ein himmlischer Anblick, ausgesprochen schön…

Ende August durfte das Teleskop mit in den Harz zum St. Andreasberger Teleskoptreffen reisen. Dort, in 700 m Höhe über dem Meeresspiegel bei ausgezeichnetem Himmel, konnte das Gerät dann zeigen, was es leistete. Einen Sportwagen testet man schließlich auch nicht auf Feldwegen. Der Himmel über St. Andreasberg erreichte eine Dunkelheit von 21,56 mag/arcs. Es ist dort also nur halb so hell, wie im heimatlichen Borken. Für den Sternfreund ist der Anblick der prachtvollen Milchstraße mit dem bloßen Auge bereits ein Genuss. Das große 20 Zoll-Teleskop aber machte kosmische Landschaften sichtbar, die das Herz des Sternguckers höher schlagen lassen. Der schon begutachtete Cirrus-Nebel wirkte wie ein Gemälde. Die Optik des Teleskops konnte dabei auch die Bildqualität eines hochwertigen Okulars mit 82 Grad Gesichtsfeld wiedergeben. Besonders beeindruckend fand ich den Crescent-Nebel NGC 6888. Ist es zu Hause schon fast mühsam, die hellsten Filamente zu sichten, sprang einem die volle Sichel förmlich ins Auge. Die Galaxien um NGC 7331 und Stephans Quintett wurden auch zu leichter Beute. Unter diesen Bedingungen war die Beobachtung mit einem großen Teleskop eine faszinierende Angelegenheit. Kein Wunder, dass Großteleskope bei den Teleskoptreffen auf großes Interesse stoßen.

Lohnt sich ein so großes Gerät? Ich war ja skeptisch, um ehrlich zu sein. Der Aufwand, ein 20 Zoll Gitterrohr aufzubauen ist schon größer, als den 10 Zöller auf die Schnelle nach draußen zu stellen. Da geht die Tendenz zum Zweitgerät. Ist aber eine lohnenswerte Nacht in Aussicht, wird die Mühe sehr belohnt. Das Handling des Geräts ist etwas schwerer als beim Kleingerät, was natürlich nicht überrascht. Die Brennweite von 1,8 m ist für kleine Menschen vielleicht ein Problem. Ich bemesse 1,85 m und kann mit langem Hals und auf Zehenspitzen Sterne im Zenit beobachten. Die Einblickhöhe beträgt ja nur 1,63 m – im Vergleich zu anderen Geräten ist dies angenehm niedrig. Ein kleiner Tritt ist aber schon sehr hilfreich. Aber das liegt in der Natur der Dinge. Akrobatik von einer 3 m Stehleiter ist also nicht nötig.

Gibt es etwas zu verbessern an dem Gerät? Klar, würde es das. Die Integration eines Filterrades zum Beispiel ist sehr praktisch. Das Nachrüsten ist leider nicht so einfach, weil der Okularauszug weit in den Tubus hereinragt. Das Teleskop verfügt über eine aktive Spiegelkühlung. Ich kann nicht abschätzen, wie effektiv diese ist. Interessant wäre aber meines Erachtens die Möglichkeit einer Fangspiegelbeheizung zum Schutz vor Tau. Das sind aber Zubehörteile, die man selber anbringen könnte. Interessant wäre auch eine Art Schutzhülle als Garage für den Tag oder die Nacht, für den Fall, dass das Gerät einige Tage im Garten verbringen darf. Klar darf so etwas optional angeboten werden. Im Harz nutzten wir eine Campingumkleide, um das Teleskop außerhalb der Nutzungszeit vor Umwelteinflüssen zu schützen.

Die Sternbeobachtung mit dem Gerät ist ein großes Vergnügen, um es zusammenfassend zu sagen. Auch unter mäßigem Himmel, den man als Sterngucker in den meisten Fällen über sich hat, ist die Öffnung ein Zugewinn an visuellem Eindruck. Es ist aber schon ein Gerät, das man Fortgeschrittenen oder Vereinen empfehlen würde, also Menschen, die etwas Erfahrung mit dem Umgang mit derartigen Geräten haben. Den schnellen Zehnzöller ersetzt es nicht. Es ist ein „Dazu“-Gerät für besondere Abende. Es stellt sich schnell die Frage, ob der Preis für ein derartiges Gerät gerechtfertigt ist. Teleskope dieser Größe waren noch nie so günstig zu haben, wie jetzt. Zumindest nicht auf dem deutschen Markt. Die Langlebigkeit der optischen und mechanischen Teile sollten dem Beobachter viele schöne Stunden bescheren. Sicherlich sollte man die persönlichen Rahmenbedingungen abstecken: Wo lagere ich das Gerät? Wie und wo kann ich es nutzen? Bin ich auf Hilfe angewiesen?

Hat man auf diese Fragen Antworten gefunden, wird man viel Freude an dem EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 20“ Dobson Teleskop haben.

Clear Skies,

Christian Overhaus

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners— but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Product information "EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Ultra Light 20'' Dobson 500mm f/3.6 GENERATION II"
Ultra Light Dobsonian 500mm GENERATION II - telescope mechanics handcrafted in HUNGARY and GERMANY

No telescope type has influenced amateur astronomy as radically as the dobsonian telescope. Before the introduction of this telescope type by John Dobson the vast majority of amateur telescopes were small inadequate refractors on shaky mounts - just good enough to show the polar regions on mars or the rings of Saturn. Bigger telescopes, like the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, were restricted to the relatively small group of amateurs that could afford them.The brilliant combination of simple - but effective - mechanics and the largest aperture available led to a worldwide triumph of this concept. No other telescope type offers you so much light for your money as a good dobson. We have taken the motto held together by gravity and driven by yoghurt power and offer a modern version of the classic - designed by amateur astronomers for amateur astronomers. Despite its large aperture the telescope can be transported easily even in small cars and is assembled within minutes without tools. The construction was optimized for maximum rigidity with a minimum of mass. The combination of big altitude wheels and a optimized aluminium-sandwich construction allows for small movements even at high magnifications. The focus position is already positioned to accept our coma-corrector (part No. 0510330) . The ideal workhorse for the deep-sky enthusiast. A telescope with 500mm aperture gathers more than 5100-times more light than the naked eye. Details on planetary surfaces stand out even to unexperienced observers, and countless deep-sky objects show details and some color. Bright globular clusters are resolved down to the core and the view of the lunar terminator will provide a unforgettable experience.

The fast 20’’ f3.6 main mirror as well as the large 120mm secondary mirror are made of high quality quartz material, so the cooling time is reduced to a minimum and the Dobson is quickly ready for use. Every main mirror is delivered with an individual optical test certificate, which guarantees the highest capacity. A laser engraved center mark of the main mirror allows easy adjustment. The optical surface has a high-quality aluminum silvering with 94% reflectivity and an extremely resistant quartz protection layer. The mirror overcomes frequently occurring dew fogging and cleanups without any damages and guarantees a long service life.

A complete redesign of this Dobson was necessary to ensure the significantly increased requirements to stiffness and load bearing capacity of the optical components. All connections of the tube structure were made in the TIG welding process and no rivets and screws were used. This has made it possible for us to produce this 20’’ light weight Dobson so unbelievably stiff in spite of the low weight - a noticeably good quality which is searching for its match. The production of almost all mechanical components is carried out by our partners in Hungary and the final assembly of the optics and subsequent quality control takes place in Rhede, Germany.

The equipment details of the smaller Dobson models, which have been popular for years, have been taken over and even extended considerably. First of all, of course, the very good decomposability and transportability should be mentioned. Set-up and dismantling can be carried out without tools. The main and secondary mirrors are adjustable during the observation and only two adjusting screws have to be moved. Thanks to the use of precision ball-heads in the main mirror cell and a precision hinge for secondary mirror suppport, the adjustment is absolutely easy and guarantees excellent stability. All connecting parts of the tube trusses now consist of CNC machined aluminum and are attached by stainless steel dowel screws. The secondary mirror can now also be adjusted by the adjusting screws in the direction of the optical axis. The tried and tested 2.5’’ HEXAFOC focuser with 1:10 fine adjustment has been used for years - this allows vignetting-free observation despite the fast aperture ratio. A second 40° displaced installed mounting plate with a viewfinder shoe allows the rotation of the tube top in combination with a favorable position of the viewfinder tube or the mounting of an additional TELRAD viewfinder. The 6 supporting feet underneath the rockerbox offer a perfect stability and guarantee a smooth tracking in azimuth. Four smaller fans are installed in the side of the mirror box as well as a large fan is installed under the main mirror. This allows an even quicker adaptation to the ambient temperature and reduces the tube seeing (boundary layer removal). The lateral altitude wheels can now be stowed comfortably in the foam layers of the mirror box.

Last but not least another gimmick: The optical tube and the mirror cell are designed to use also on heavy equatorial mounts.

Dimensions for mobile use:

DIMS total: 680x680x1790mm; Rockerbox 678mmx678mmx347mm; Mirrorbox 590mmx590mmx361mm; Trusses approx. 1084mm; Truss diameter: 25mm; Eyepiece height while pointing at zenith approximately 1,63m; 20’’ Total net weight: 53 kg; 20’’ Mirror Box + Altitude wheels: 35,8kg; 20’’ Secondary Cage: 3,8kg; Rockerbox: 10,6 kg; 20’’ 4 Truss pairs: 2,8kg; 20’’ Primary mirror: 20kg

  • Truss-Dobsonian telescope in full Aluminium construction
  • Handcrafted in HUNGARY and GERMANY
  • Fast 20’’ f3.6 optics with 1800mm focal length
  • Large 120mm secondary mirror (short axis)
  • Quarz primary- and secondary mirror set
  • Laser engraved central mark on primary mirror
  • Eyepiece height while pointing at zenith approximately 1,63m
  • Full welded rigid telescope structure - no rivets and no screws
  • Telescope tube and rockerbox powder-coated
  • Collimation while observing with the delivered tooling
  • DeLuxe 2,5’’ HEXAFOC focuser with 1:10 gear-reduction
  • 8x50 finder scope with red illuminated reticle
  • Slider bearings made from TEFLON und GRP for smooth and precise movement
  • Improved primary mirror cell with completely redesigned mechanics
  • High precision hinge system for secondary mirror holder
  • Secondary mirror holder with adjustment mechnism along the optical axis
  • 6 larger feet to improve stability
  • Counter-weights (4 x 1.0 kg) included
  • 2 universal finder slots to enable an easy finder position
  • Quick-lock fasteners with new springloaded design for comfortable use
  • Large powder-coated yellow altitude wheels for smooth tracking
  • Altitude wheels can be stored in the mirror box
  • 5 cooling fans are speeding up the cool-down time
  • Truss Dobsonian Telescope
  • Individual optical test report for primary mirror
  • 8x50 finder with red illuminated reticle
  • Stray light shield for secondary cage
  • Primary mirror collimation tool
  • Battery compartment with bag for fans
  • Extension tube for focuser
  • Reducer 2’’/1.25’’
  • Manual
SHIPPING DIMENSION - truck shipment only in order to guarantee a save transport:

BOX1: 600x600x380 approx. 44 kg ; BOX2: 690x690x330 approx. 17 kg ; BOX3: 150x150x1150 approx. 4 kg
Bearing in alt-azimuth / RA: Teflon
Bearing in elevation / DEC: Teflon
Colour: black
Finderscope: 8 x 50 mm - illuminated
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Advanced Amateurs, Specialists and Research, Visual enthusiasts
Focusing system: 2.5" Hexafoc DeLuxe with 10:1
Material: Aluminium, Quartz
Material Primary mirror: Quartz
Material Secondary mirror: Quartz
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Dobson
Optical design: Newtonian Reflector
Product Family [Telescopes]: Reflector telescope
Typ [Batteries]: LR41


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EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 100° Ar Eyepiece 25mm (2")
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods.These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil.Each 100° Series Argon-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry argon gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus. This also maximizes the life of the internal coatings. To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes.All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

€486.00* €899.00* (45.94% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 100° Ar Eyepiece 20mm (2")
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods. These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil. Each 100° Series Nitrogen-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry nitrogen gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus, and to maximize the life of the internal coatings. To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes. All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 100° Ar Eyepiece 14mm (2")
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods. These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil.Each 100° Series Argon-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry argon gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus. This also maximizes the life of the internal coatings.To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes.All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

€349.00* €439.00* (20.5% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 100° Ar Eyepiece 9mm (2")
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods. These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil.Each 100° Series Argon-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry argon gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus. This also maximizes the life of the internal coatings.To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes.All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 100° Ar Eyepiece 5,5mm (2")
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods. These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil.Each 100° Series Argon-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry argon gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus. This also maximizes the life of the internal coatings.To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes. All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

Explore Scientific 92° LER Eyepiece 12mm
If an observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 92°- LER eyepieces by EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the enourmous full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Tradition - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge equal that of our eyepieces of the 100° line.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD-coating teams up together with internal baffles to produce high contrast images and to prevent reflexes and ghosting.The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses.The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come. FEATURESLarge eye distance and great image sharpness Excellent viewing position for people with glasses Excellent field sharpness even with fast optics Patented EMD"-coating to maximize contrast Blackened lens edges to avoid reflexes Argon-purging prevents internal fogging, the sealing facilitates cleaning Stainless steel barrel with conical security cutoff Gift box with magnetic lock - additional soft pouch for easy transport in the field SCOPE OF DELIVERY Eyepiece Box Pouch

If a observing session is a relaxing and joyful experience is heavily dependend on the choice of eyepieces. People wearing glasses very often have the problem to see the entire field of view when they are using eyepieces with large apparent fields. This problem is now history. The new 92°- LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific do not only offer excellent image sharpness and high resolution and contrast over the enourmous full field of view - you can see that full field without problems even with glasses on. Fatigue due to tense head positioning and strained viewing simply does not happen because of the excellent viewing comfort these eyepieces provide even to observers wearing glasses. Enjoy the unique combination of excellent image sharpness out to the edge of the field even for fast optics, superior contrast and unmatched viewing comfort. Eyepieces with perfect combinations of various modern glass substrates and highest standards in manufacturing, quality control and service are a tradition at Explore Scientific Tradition - the outstanding resolution and sharpness to the very edge equal that of our eyepieces of the 100° line.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patentet EMD"-coating teams up together with internal baffles to produce high contrast images and to prevent reflexes and ghosting.The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses.The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 120° Ar Eyepiece 9mm (2")
The "Wow-effect" eyepiece: You see deep sky objects as if you were in space! It makes you forget that you are looking through a telescope. This makes up for an unforgettable observing experience, that even exceeds the expectations of demanding amateur astronomers. Of course it has the same specifications as the already well established 100° eyepieces: inert gas purged, and waterprrof, the high end EMD coatings are protected from the outdoors.  Dust, fungus, humidity and cleaning solutions cannot harm the precious eyepiece for years of observing to come!

€689.00* €1,149.00* (40.03% saved)
BRESSER Laser Collimator 31.7mm (1,25")
The laser-collimator makes aligning the mirrors of a Newtonian telescope simple, fast and precise. With the laser you collimate your optics even in the dark without additional accessories. Precisely machined it fits a 1,25" focuser without tilting. The built-in projection area enables collimating even long focal length scopes in a breeze. Suitable for Newtonian, Schmidt-Newtonian and Maksutov-Newtonian teleskopes. FEATURES31.7mm(1.25") Eyepiece Barrel Diameter Machined anodized aluminum housing with all internal surfaces coated non-reflective flat blackBuilt in laser collimatableIMPORTANT: Laser products have to be kept out of reach of children!

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 30mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 24mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

€289.00* €325.00* (11.08% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 18mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 14mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 11mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 8.8mm (1.25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 6,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 4,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar system enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object, it is possible to dramatically increase the contrast by blocking annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC filter "zeros in" on the wavelengths of so-called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours - their emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen at 486nm and 656nm, plus oxygen at 496nm and 501nm. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC nebula filter blocks all other colour wavelengths (and thereby nearly all of artificial light) and only the emission line of the hydrogen and oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely invisible from, without filters. In suburban skies, for example the Owl-nebula M97, the Veil-nebula NGC 6992 or even the bright Dumbell-nebula M27 are not clearly visible. Using this filter allows you to see nebulae and their structures in much finer detail. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours, the so called emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case oxygen. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III nebula filter blocks all other colours (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the two emission lines of the oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburban skies for example the veil nebula NGC 6992 is almost not visible with a 200mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of so called emission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emission lines of ionised oxygen passes the filterWHAT'S INCLUDED1x 2" O-III nebula filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 2" H-Beta Nebula Filter
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects bejond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The Explore Scientific H-beta filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen. The Explore Scientific H-beta nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emmission line of the hydrogen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the horsehead nebula is almost not visible with a 300mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

€75.00* €121.00* (38.02% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 2" Grey- Moonfillter ND-09
The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. Color Filter #ND96 Moon Filter (0.9 density; 13% transmission)

€24.00* €48.00* (50% saved)
Besides air turbulence, the brightening of the night sky is the biggest obstacle to observing faint objects beyond the solar system. Street lamps and other artificial lighting mean that the sky in human settlements is no longer really black. This affects the contrast and thus the perception of deep-sky objects. Depending on the type of celestial object, however, part of disturbing artificial light can be filtered out, making it easier to observe fainter targets.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CITY LIGHT SUPRESSION - or CLS - filter uses the fact that the artificial lighting is not evenly distributed over the entire spectrum. These colours - in the case of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS nebula filter, above all the typical colours of mercury and high-pressure lamps, used in street lighting - are suppressed, but the emissions of deep-sky objects are allowed through. With a slightly brightened sky, some relatively bright deep-sky objects are practically invisible with a telescope, for example the large galaxy M101. Using this filter makes observation much easier. A must have for any visual amateur astronomer.  The CLS can also be used as a useful photographic filter - helping to improve the quality of your telescopic deep sky photos.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters are delivered with an individual test report - so you can be sure of receiving high-quality filters.SPECIFICATIONS:eliminates disturbing light - e.g. from street lightingenables observation of faint deep sky objectsWHAT'S INCLUDED:1x nebula filter

€57.00* €83.00* (31.33% saved)
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours, their emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen at 486nm and 656nm, plus oxygen at 496nm and 501nm. The Explore Scientific UHC nebula filter blocks all other colours (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emission line of the hydrogen and oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburban skies for example the Owl-nebula M97, the Veil-nebula NGC6992 or even the bright Dumbell-nebula M27 are not clearly visible. By using this filter you can see the nebulae and their structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of emission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emission lines of hydrogen and oxygen passes the filterWHAT'S INCLUDED1x 1.25" UHC nebula filter

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case oxygen. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the two emmission lines of the oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the veil nebula NGC 6992 is almost not visible with a 200mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of so called emmission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emmission lines of the oxygen passes the filterSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x 1,25" O-III nebula filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" Filter Grey ND0.9
The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope 4"(10.2cm) and larger. The ND96 filter may also be employed in the splitting of close double stars where one of the binary pair significantly exceeds the other in brightness. Very flat design, with only 5.0mm light path. FEATURESreduces brightness for a higher contrastideal for observing the mooncan be combined with other colour filtersvery flat design, with only 5.0mm light path SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x Color Filter #ND96 Moon Filter (0.9 density; 13% transmission)

€18.00* €25.00* (28% saved)
Besides air turbulence, the brightening of the night sky is the biggest obstacle to observing faint objects beyond the solar system. Street lamps and other artificial lighting mean that the sky in human settlements is no longer really black. This affects the contrast and thus the perception of deep-sky objects. Depending on the type of celestial object, however, part of disturbing artificial light can be filtered out, making it easier to observe fainter targets.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CITY LIGHT SUPRESSION - or CLS - filter uses the fact that the artificial lighting is not evenly distributed over the entire spectrum. These colours - in the case of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS nebula filter, above all the typical colours of mercury and high-pressure lamps, used in street lighting - are suppressed, but the emissions of deep-sky objects are allowed through. With a slightly brightened sky, some relatively bright deep-sky objects are practically invisible with a telescope, for example the large galaxy M101. Using this filter makes observation much easier. A must have for any visual amateur astronomer.  The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC CLS can also be used as a useful photographic filter - helping to improve the quality of your telescopic deep sky photos.The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters are delivered with an individual test report - so you can be sure of receiving high-quality filters.SPECIFICATIONS:eliminates disturbing light - e.g. from street lightingenables observation of faint deep sky objectsWHAT'S INCLUDED:1x CLS filter

€40.00* €58.00* (31.03% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 1.25" H-Beta Nebula Filter
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects bejond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The Explore Scientific H-beta filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen. The Explore Scientific H-beta nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emmission line of the hydrogen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the horsehead nebula is almost not visible with a 300mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

€50.00* €99.00* (49.49% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 3 Moon & Planets from 150mm (6")
Filter Set 3 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 150mm (6") Aperture Set 3 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Blue No.82A - 0310265 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Violet No.47 - 0310272 The purple filter is perfect for watching Venus. Seeing through it, the dark clouds of the Venus atmosphere become even better visible. He also clears up the structures of the rings around Saturn. Using big openings and having a clear sight this filter is also good for watching Merkur. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Light Red No.23A - 0310271 The blue/blue green light is totally blocked. The contrast between the card and the lighter zones will enormously increase. This is truly helpful when you watch Jupiter or Saturn. Or for mars, watching the poles. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25" Yellow-Green No.11 - 0310269 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

€23.00* €45.00* (48.89% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 4 Moon & Planets from 200mm (8")
Filter Set 4 is recommended for Moon & Planets from 200mm (8'') Aperture Set 4 includes the following filters: Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Green No.56 - 0310262 The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Dark Blue No.38A - 0310263 The color of light blue really supports watching the high clouds on Mars. The contrast increases. The dark red structures will be shown even darker, so this is the perfect filter for watching the big red Flecks on the gas planet Jupiter. The rings of Saturn will be accentuated, the structures of the Venus Atmosphere will be even finer. Works well starting with a 10'' aperture. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Orange No.21 - 0310273 This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter. Explore Scientific Filter 1.25'' Light Yellow No.8 - 0310268 Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8'' and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn. What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details. FEATURES Made from high-quality optical glass Filter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatings Filter housing from black anodized aluminum Filter threads on both ends (female/male) Multiple filters usage is possible SCOPE OF DELIVERY 4pcs color filter 4pcs protection-case

The blue/blue green light is totally blocked. The contrast between the card and the lighter zones will enormously increase. This is truly helpful when you watch Jupiter or Saturn. Or for mars, watching the poles.What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details.FEATURESMade from high-quality optical glassFilter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatingsFilter housing from black anodized aluminumFilter threads on both ends (female/male)Multiple filters usage is possibleSCOPE OF DELIVERYColor filterProtection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter 2" Orange No.21
This one really supports the detection of the dark areas on the planet Mars. The details of the clouds of Saturn and Jupiter are also so much more visible through the Filter.What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details.FEATURESMade from high-quality optical glassFilter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatingsFilter housing from black anodized aluminumFilter threads on both ends (female/male)Multiple filters usage is possibleSCOPE OF DELIVERYColor filterProtection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter 2" Dark Green No.58A
The green filter is to increase the contrasts enormously between the red and the blue regions of the cloud structures on the gas planets Jupiter and Saturn. Seeing our Earth Moon through the green filter, the contrasts of each ray crater become clearly more visible. This filter should be used at an aperture of 8“.What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details.FEATURESMade from high-quality optical glassFilter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatingsFilter housing from black anodized aluminumFilter threads on both ends (female/male)Multiple filters usage is possibleSCOPE OF DELIVERYColor filterProtection-case

€13.00* €24.90* (47.79% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter 2" Yellow No.12
Watching the Moon surface through the filter, the contrasts will enormously increase. Same with planet Mars. On the huge planet Jupiter, when using the filter, you can even see the contrasts between the cloud-bands and a lot more details. Starting with a telescope diameter of 8“ and a clear sight, you even get to see various details of Saturn.What ist a color Filter for and do we really need it ? Color Filters darken the light slightly, that reaches the eye or the sensor of the camera. This eliminates for instance stronger transitions. The result is that your picture turns out with more contrast which automatically shows more details.FEATURESMade from high-quality optical glassFilter glass is absolutely parallel All optical surfaces have anti reflex coatingsFilter housing from black anodized aluminumFilter threads on both ends (female/male)Multiple filters usage is possibleSCOPE OF DELIVERYColor filterProtection-case

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Teleextender 2x 31.7mm/1.25"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.Features: Suitable for visual observations and astrophotographyDoubling the effective total focal length of the telescopeFour lens telecentric design Fully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filters

€98.00* €105.00* (6.67% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Telextender 3x 31.7mm/1.25"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.Features: Suitable for visual observations and astrophotographytripling the effective total focal length of the telescopeFour lens telecentric design Fully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filters

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Teleextender 5x 31,7mm/1.25"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.Features: Suitable for visual observations and astrophotographyExtending the effective total focal length of the telescope by a factor of 5xFour lens telecentric design Fully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filters

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Teleextender 2x 50,8mm/2"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.FEATURES: Suitable for visual observations and astrophotographyDoubling the effective total focal length of the telescopeFour lens telecentric design Fully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filtersSCOPE OF DELIVERY: Fokal Extender 2 x Adapter 2" (50,8mm) auf 1,25" (31,7mm)

After three years of testing and refining we are extremely proud to present the new Explore Scientific High Resolution (HR) Coma Corrector. This corrector is a class of it´s own - it is fully functional for visual use and expands the focal length by only 6%! The Explore Scientific Coma Correktor is delivered as a complete set together with a rotating helical focuser with laser-etched scale, so you get a full package: corrector, adaptor to T2 (M42x0.75mm), adaptor to M48 (M48x0.75) and the helical focuser for visual fun. This coma corrector really is "high resolution" - it deliveres a visual polystrehl performance of 0,98 at f/4 and 0,96 at f/3! So it can stay in the telescope - and you will not only enjoy a tack-sharp Jupiter, but aslo sharp and defined moons in the future! What this means in terms of performance is shown in the three pictures with the graphs - the sharpness increase in those comparisons with and without corrector are stunning (examples are 400mm f/4, f/3,5 and f/3). Please notice: These graphs are for FLAT FIELD! You will get this performance without refocussing! Diameter of the field is 30mm - it doesn´t make sense to increase this with 2" and fast optical systems. Length of the 2" corrector barrel is approx. 85mm and it can be used with almost all 2" focusers on the market. To use the HR Coma Corrector visually, you need to have at least 32mm spare inward travel at your focuser, while the focus is on the same plane as the focusers end. Photographically there is no problem - the HR Coma Corrector shifts the focus outward by about 35mm, so that you will have no problem in achieving focus, when you are able to focus your camera without the HR Coma Corrector. FEATURESEliminates coma, field-curvature and astigmatism in newtonians Diffraction limited performance on axis and in the field Flattens the field Works for very fast systems down to f/3 Four-lens construction Can be used with almost all 2" focusers on the market SCOPE OF DELIVERY High Resolution (HR) Coma Corrector Adaptor to T2 (M42x0.75mm) Adaptor to M48 (M48x0.75) Helical focuser


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EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC BT-100 SF Giant Binoculars with 62° LER Eyepieces 20mm
Giant binoculars for observing the starry sky, nature and landscape. Observe the beauty of the starry sky at night and distant objects in nature during the day. Globular star clusters, glowing gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets can be observed wonderfully on a clear night. But also all other distant things in nature and landscape, even ships and airplanes can be seen in detail. With the all-round binoculars of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC BT series, you can get up very close. Thanks to the large, light-gathering lenses and the professional coatings on all lens surfaces, these binoculars produce bright and brilliant images even at night and at twilight, providing a special viewing pleasure. The comfortable 45 degree viewing angle allows fatigue-free use even when the binoculars are tilted strongly.  Large binoculars can also be called a double refractor telescope One complete lens telescope with the full light gathering power is available per eye. Experience a whole new dimension of observing. Objects are reproduced almost vividly in these binoculars and observing with both eyes is basically very relaxed. Last but not least, this comfortable way of observation increases the recognition of the finest details and effectively prevents rapid eye fatigue. Extremely robust binoculars with magnesium housing, sealed and filled with nitrogen  The BT series binoculars are designed for tough outdoor use. The IPX6 sealed and nitrogen-filled design effectively prevents fogging of the internal optics even under difficult weather conditions. The very light magnesium housing saves weight and makes it easy to handle. Two EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 20mm eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series already included. EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC is an established manufacturer of extremely high-quality eyepieces in the astronomy scene. An optical system is only as good as its weakest component. Therefore we have decided to deliver these giant binoculars with a pair of quality eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series. With an apparent field of view of 62 degrees and a focal length of 20mm, the BT-100 binoculars produce a 28x magnification. Thus these wide angle eyepieces offer a very good overview (field of view 2,3 degree) at moderate magnification. The large interpupillary distance of these LER (long eye relief) eyepieces of 15mm and soft silicone eyecups, which can be turned inside out, also guarantee a comfortable and relaxed view. For astronomy, a flat and sharp image field is advantageous and offers a particularly impressive viewing experience even during the day. Due to the waterproof design and the argon filling, these eyepieces are absolutely durable and easy to clean. Interchangeable eyepieces with 1.25 inch / 31.7mm plug-in diameter Adjust the magnification and field of view to your individual needs and choose from a wide range of available eyepieces. All eyepiece types with a plug-in diameter of 1.25 inch / 31.7mm can be used with the binoculars of the BT series. Especially recommended are EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC eyepieces of the 62 and 82 degree series with focal lengths from 8 to 26mm (see item No. 02188xx and 02196xx). The magnification can be varied from 21x to 70x (focal length binoculars : focal length eyepiece = magnification). The eyepieces are held in the binoculars by a precise brass compression ring clamp and guarantee a tilt free position.  Use of color and nebula filters for astronomical observations Increase the contrast and visibility of objects and details by screwing the corresponding filters directly into the thread of the eyepiece sleeves. The use of color and nebula filters must of course always be done in pairs. Suitable are all EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC screw filters with 1.25inch / 31.7mm diameter (see item No. 03102xx)  Comfortable 45 degree view and helical single focus The 45-degree viewing angle allows a relaxed observation position even when the binoculars are tilted strongly. Also the individual interpupillary distance can be adjusted in a range from 54 to 76mm. With the fine helical individual focusing, precise focusing is achieved effortlessly. Extendable dew caps The integrated dew caps can be removed in high humidity and cold conditions. This avoids fogging of the outer objective lenses and effectively shields additional control light coming in from the side. Integrated carrying handle A metal carrying handle located at the center of gravity facilitates transport and ensures a secure hold during tripod assembly. Suitable tripods and tripod connectionWhen using these large binoculars, a sturdy photo tripod with an appropriate load capacity is highly recommended. The connection is made via two 1/4 inch or one 3/8 inch threaded holes (standard photo tripod thread) in the tripod adapter of the binoculars. The ideal solution is to use the optional availlable EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC U-Mount with field tripod (item No. 0114300). This is specially designed for the large binoculars of the BT series and carries these devices absolutely safely. The excellent mechanism with adjustable friction in both axes allows easy moving and tracking. The binocular position is kept stable depending on the adjusted friction intensity. Vibrations are reduced to a minimum by the massive construction of the U-Mount and the large stainless steel tripod. Even at high magnification there are no vibrations and the finest details can be observed.FEATURES Large binoculars for observing the starry sky, nature and landscape Observe globular star clusters, glowing gas nebulae, the moon with its craters and even planets Also wild animals, ships and airplanes can be seen in detail Highly light gathering lenses produce a bright and high-contrast image All-round binoculars, but especially suitable in twilight and at night The comfortable 45 degree viewing angle allows fatigue-free use One complete lens telescope with the full light gathering power is available per eye Extremely robust binoculars with magnesium housing, sealed and filled with nitrogen Two EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 20mm eyepieces of the 62 degree LER series already included 28x magnification and an apparent field of view of 62 degrees, true visible field of 2,3 degreesLarge interpupillary distance of 15mm to the eyepiece lens for comfortable viewing Eyepieces interchangeable and with standardized plug-in diameter of 1.25 inch / 31.7mm The magnification can be adjusted with optional eyepieces from 21x to 70x Precise brass eyepiece compression ring clamps for tilt-free fitColor and nebula filters can be used for astronomical observations Extendable dew caps prevent fogging of the outer objective lenses and stray light Integrated carrying handle facilitates transport and mounting on the tripod Tripod connection via two 1/4 inch or one 3/8 inch threaded holes (standard photo tripod thread) Tripod recommendation: EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC U-mount with field tripod (Art.No. 0114300) Objective type: Air spaced achromatic lens (2 elements/ 1 group) Coating: full multilayer coating on all optical surfaces Aperture, focal length and aperture ratio: 100mm / 550mm / F=5.5 Sealed to IPX6 standard and nitrogen filled: yes / yes Close focus distance: 25 meters Eyepiece mount diameter: 1.25'' / 31.7mm Adjustable interpupillary distance: 54 to 76 mm Helical single focus: yes BAK-4 prism system for a bright and high-contrast imageDimensions and weight of binoculars: 520 x 270 x 155mm, 6.8kg Housing color of binoculars:  white SCOPE OF DELIVERY Giant binoculars with carrying handle (without tripod)Eyepieces ES 20mm 62 degrees LER Series (2pcs)Precisely fitting foam insert for transport Dust covers for objectives and eyepiece sockets Instruction manual

BRESSER Messier 203/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The BRESSER Messier NT-203/1200 enables observations, which were not feasible in this price range only a few years ago. This Messier NT203/1200 is optimized for planetary observations because of the longer focal length and less obruction which offers a better sharpness and contrast. The most advanced manufacturing technology allows to follow the shadows of the moons of Jupiter on the planet itself ; the abundance of structures and details on the surface of Jupiter are stunning. The BRESSER Messier NT-203/1200 can not only score in the planetary observation: Discover structures in distant galaxies and let yourself be captivated by the fog patches of the emission nebula in the vastness of the Milky Way. See the remains of exploded giant stars the Messier NT-203/1200 and observe the birthplaces of the new star. You will be surprised of the beauties of the universe with this larger than average device! This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod.Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. CHARACTERISTICSOptical design: reflector telescopeMirror diameter: 203 mm / focal length: 1200 mm / F/6Maximum recommended magnification: 406xTelescope for night and solar observation Advanced optics for planetary observations Longer focal length and less light obstruction Offers an even sharper view with high contrast Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2,5" free inner diameter Diffraction limited optics with parabolic main mirror 8x50 straight through viewfinder with reticle Optimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail 50,8 mm (2'') to 31,7 mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed)SCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm (1.25") Integrated 31,7mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 8x50 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium (via download)

Ultra Light Dobsonian 406mm GENERATION II - with completely redesigned and improved construction. No telescope type has influenced amateur astronomy as radically as the dobsonian telescope. Before the introduction of this telescope type by John Dobson the vast majority of amateur telescopes were small inadequate refractors on shaky mounts - just good enough to show the polar regions on mars or the rings of Saturn. Bigger telescopes, like the Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, were restricted to the relatively small group of amateurs that could afford them.The brilliant combination of simple - but effective - mechanics and the largest aperture available led to a worldwide triumph of this concept. No other telescope type offers you so much light for your money as a good dobson. We have taken the motto "held together by gravity and driven by yoghurt power" and offer a modern version of the classic - designed by amateur astronomers for amateur astronomers. Despite its large aperture the telescope can be transported easily even in small cars and is assembled within minutes without tools. The construction was optimized for maximum rigidity with a minimum of mass. The combination of big altitude wheels and a optimized aluminium-sandwich construction allows for small movements even at high magnifications. The focus position is already positioned to accept our coma-corrector. The ideal workhorse for the deep-sky enthusiast. A telescope with 406mm aperture gathers more than 3300-times more light than the naked eye. Details on planetary surfaces stand out even to unexperienced observers, and countless deep-sky objects show details. Bright globular clusters are resolved down to the core and the view of the lunar terminator will provide a unforgettable experience. Dimensions for mobile use: Rockerbox 550mmx550mmx330mm; Mirrorbox 480mmx480mmx300mm; Trusses approx. 1250mm Eyepiece Height while pointing at zenith approximately 1,63m. 16“ Total net weight: 38,4 kg; 16“ Mirror Box: 23,8kg; 16“ Secondary Cage + Rockerbox: 10,5 kg; 16“ 4 Truss pairs: 2,5kg; 16“ Altitude Wheels: 1,6kg ; Focuser thread: M54 x 0.75 mm ; Backfocus: 45mm behind the 2" eyepiece holder. 35mm when the 1.25" adapter is mounted SPECIFICATIONS Truss-Dobsonian Telescope in full Aluminium construction NEW: Slider bearings made from TEFLON und GFK for smooth and precise movement NEW: Improved main mirror cell with completely redesigned mechanics NEW: Altitude bearings with new designed brake and friction system NEW: Larger feet to improve stability NEW: Universal finder slot to enable an easy finder upgrade NEW: Counter-weight system included - 2 x 1.0 kg NEW: Quick-lock fasteners with new springloaded design for comfortable use NEW: Powder-coated yellow altitude wheels to improve durability NEW: Laser engraved central mark on main mirror SCOPE OF DELIVERYTruss Dobsonian TelescopeLED finder with standard finder slotStray light shield for secondary cageMain mirror collimation toolBattery compartment with bag for fansCounter-weights 2 x 1.0 kg Extension tube for focuserReducer 2"/1.25"Manual

Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set
Complete Telescope Set SXD2WL AX103S with Wifi-GoTo Mount, Tripod, and Eyepieces This high-quality apochromatic refractor telescope set impresses with its intricate 103mm Triplet ED lens construction. The telescope is made in Japan and stands out for its excellent workmanship, sharpness, and contrast performance. The advantage of this APO refractor lies in its short build length and the completely corrected, edge-sharp optics. The AX103S is a top-class ED apochromat in the refractor range. It offers a Triplet ED lens and, in the rear area, a field flattener lens. The f8.0 refractor is equipped with a central ED lens in the objective and reduces chromatic aberration to an absolute minimum. An optional focal reducer can decrease the aperture ratio to 1:5.6 to achieve quicker results in astrophotography. The Vixen telescope belongs to the new Generation II with improved temperature-resistant lens cell. The integrated field flattener lens ensures a sharp image right to the edge of the field of view, which is very important in astrophotography. The AX103S is specifically developed for photographic purposes, but also visually a real highlight, especially for observing the moon and planets. You will be thrilled when you observe the moon's surface with its craters or Saturn with its ring system. On Jupiter, on a good night, the two bright cloud bands and many smaller details will be visible, as well as the great red spot on the planet. On moonless nights, you can observe the Andromeda Nebula, Orion Nebula, Eagle Nebula, Lagoon Nebula, and many other interesting objects. But even weaker celestial objects become visible with this large aperture under a good sky. This telescope set “Made in Japan” simply leaves no wishes unfulfilled. The AX103S is corrected up to full-frame photography and delivers razor-sharp images right into the corners of the image field. The large 60mm eyepiece drawtube also allows for attaching heavy cameras without tilting. Furthermore, the supplied flip mirror enables comfortable observing even in challenging viewing situations and additionally offers a T2 thread for connecting a DSLR camera. Thus, you can observe in straight view or at a 90° angle. The carrying handle attached to the tube clamps ensures a safe transport of the telescope. The dew cap can be retracted for transport or storage. The sturdy metal tripod allows for vibration-free mounting of the telescope and mount even in windy weather. The SXD2WL mount is simply operated via a Wifi module with a smartphone or tablet. For user-friendly control of the mount, the free STAR BOOK Wireless app is available. This allows you to use practical features of celestial navigation such as automatic GoTo slewing to specific celestial objects very easily via your smartphone or tablet. As the power consumption of the conventional LCD screen (STAR BOOK TEN) is eliminated, the power consumption of the mount is reduced by up to 20%. Thus, astronomical observations and astrophotography are possible over longer periods. By tapping the desired celestial object from a list, it is automatically slewed into the telescope's field of view and tracking begins. An existing STAR BOOK TEN control can also be used on this mount without any problems. Equipped with the same precision stepper motors as the flagship model, the AXD mount, the SXD2WL brings a new standard of performance and precision into the Vixen mount family. The axis cross of the mount has a photographic carrying capacity of 15 kg for only 9.2 kg and is thus excellently suited for mobile observations. In addition, the motors located in the lower part of the mount also serve as a counterweight. This means the mount needs fewer weights for balancing. The SXD2 Mount in Detail Precision stepper motors and Micro-Step Motion Control System The heart of the SXD2 are the precision stepper motors, which offer better performance and response than previous models. The Micro-Step Motion Control System is characterised by powerful yet very quiet drive properties, both in fine movements and in fast slews. Built-in bearings The bearings of the RA and DEC axes and the worm shafts have been significantly improved to reduce the load on the motors. This allows the motors to move much more quietly than in previous models. High-precision worm gears High-precision manufacturing technologies eliminate errors in the worm gears. The edges of both worms and worm gears are particularly smooth, allowing for very precise tracking. Declination axis as counterweight The massive motor units are built into the lower part of the declination axis, so that the centre of gravity of the SXD2 is below the intersection point of the RA and DEC axes. This means you need fewer additional counterweights. Latitude adjustment The latitude is adjustable between 0 and 70 degrees (divided into 3 zones and adjustable +/- 15 degrees per zone, for high, medium, and low latitudes); latitude scale in 2-degree steps; fine adjustment with a tangent screw head, approx. 0.8 degrees per rotation. Built-in PFL-II polar finder with illumination The built-in 5x20mm polar finder with 10° field of view features a 3-star alignment system. This eliminates the need to set date and time. The illuminated reticle with variable brightness and automatic shutdown is adjustable in 8 stages and illuminated in red. The adjustment accuracy is 3 arc minutes. The Wireless Module in Detail The Vixen Wifi adapter for EQ mounts allows you to control your Vixen mount via a smartphone or tablet. With the smartphone app STAR BOOK Wireless (free), you can perform celestial navigation without any wiring. Thus, the app instantly transforms your mobile device into a control for the equatorial mount. The response delay of the mount, considered the biggest disadvantage of wireless connections, has been reduced to a level comparable to wired solutions. Reduced power consumption compared to conventional controls with LCD monitor The power consumption of the mount is reduced by up to 20% and thus allows longer observations than with conventional wired controls like the STAR BOOK TEN. Operation similar to STAR BOOK TEN control The STAR BOOK Wireless app is designed similarly to what you already know from the STAR BOOK TEN control. It contains up to 259,000 celestial objects depending on the star chart settings. Tap a celestial object in the object list and start the GoTo. The mount now automatically moves to this target and brings it into the field of view of the telescope. All popular features of the STAR BOOK TEN remain available. Convenient operation While looking through the telescope, you control the mount by swiping on the star chart of the app. Since there are no buttons, you simply slide your finger over the star chart, allowing you to conveniently operate the mount. Extensive astronomical data included This includes data on easily observable celestial bodies such as Messier objects, NGC objects, IC objects, as well as the sun, moon, planets, comets, and dwarf planets. High-precision alignment Alignment on one or two stars already gives you quite an accurate positioning of the mount. By aligning with three or more stars, a very precise alignment of the mount for high magnifications can be carried out. The objects are then positioned exactly and centrally in the field of view of your telescope. The alignment information is saved and can also be retained when the device is turned off. By leaving the telescope in its current state after an observation, without moving it, you can start the automatic installation with the same settings during the next observation. Individual Adjustment Options The app offers various individual settings such as gear backlash compensation, red night mode, autoguider, variable GoTo speed, and LED brightness, just like the STAR BOOK TEN control. You can also set the timing of the objective tube reversal (Meridian Flip) according to your wishes. Even if the object moves south during tracking, you can prevent the telescope tube from reversing. Important Information Not usable on old SX mounts with the old blue Star Book Technical Information on the Wifi Module CPU with 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz The unit is connected to the mount with a D-SUB 9PIN connector as with the STAR BOOK TEN. It has a 6-pin 6-wire modular connector for external autoguider operation. Supported operating systems are Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher, WLAN standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n FEATURES AX102S Apochromatic Refractor Optimised for full-frame photography 103 mm aperture, 825 mm focal length, f8.0 Resolving power: 1.13 Visual limiting magnitude: 11.8 Fully coated Triplet ED lens with flattener Very high sharpness and contrast Optional reducer available Backfocus without reducer: 150.0 mm Backfocus with reducer: 63.5 mm SXD2WL Mount RA gear ring: 180 teeth DEC gear ring: 180 teeth Axis material and diameter: Carbon steel / Dec. 35 mm, RA 40 mm Polar finder telescope: 6x20 mm, PFL-II polar finder Height fine adjustment: 0° to 70°, (fine adjustment +/- 15°, height) Counterweight bar: 20 mm diameter Azimuth adjustment: Worm gear fine adjustment Power supply: DC12 V; 0.4~1.7 A Maximum payload: 15 kg, photographic, without counterweight Counterweights: 1x 1.9 kg and 1x 3.7 kg Tripod connection: 45 mm pin Dimensions: 36 cm (H) x 12 cm (W) x 36 cm (L) Weight: 8.8 kg (19.4 lb), without counterweight 32-bit CISC processor 120 MHz Operating system: Android 6 or higher, iOS 9.0 or higher Connection: D-SUB 9PIN connector Autoguider input ST4 Power consumption SXD2WL+Wireless unit: DC12V / 0.3–2.0 A (load 10 kg), 0.4–2.2 A (load 15 kg)SCOPE OF DELIVERY SXD2WL Mount Wireless Unit Counterweight: 1.9 kg and 3.7 kg Illuminated polar finder telescope Mounting tools Car lighter cable AX103S Apochromatic Refractor Flip mirror 2 eyepieces (SLV 20, SLV 5) Tube clamps Dovetail plate 7x50 finder, illuminated SXG Aluminium tripod
